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To model normal skull base growth in children by compiling geometric models and analyzing growth patterns of the craniocervical junction (CCJ) from birth to 18 years old. Research Methods Templates for bones were created using Fusion360 and Blender, with specific landmarks placed on the ethmoid and sphenoid bones due to their complex shapes. The wrapping process involved Iterative Closest Point (ICP) and Non-rigid ICP (NICP) to map template meshes onto segmented bone meshes.


The study was based on a limited dataset, which may affect the generalizability of the results.

The intricate shapes of certain bones like the sphenoid and ethmoid posed challenges in template creation and reconstruction.


Ein Diagramm, das die Entwicklung von Gehirnnetzwerken im Alter von 0 bis 18 Jahren veranschaulicht. Fünf Phasen umfassen verschiedene Verbindungen zwischen den Knoten ETH, SPH, ORB, TEM, OCC, C1 und C2. Signifikante Änderungen in Verbindungsmustern und Farben weisen auf unterschiedliche Phasen der Wachstumsdynamik an der kraniozervikalen Verbindung hin.


Most Relevant Results:

  •           Age-Related Changes in Width and Closure Percentages: The study identified specific age-related changes in the width and closure percentages of synchondroses and sutures, particularly in the occipital bone. These changes provide valuable insights into the growth dynamics within the first two years of life.
  •           Covariation Patterns: The research highlighted significant covariation patterns between different bones. For instance, a strong relationship was found between the sphenoid bone and both the left and right temporal bones, with covariation coefficients of 0.899 and 0.903, respectively. These patterns elucidated substantial connections, explaining a significant portion of the total variance.
  •           Quantification of Suture Closure: The study introduced a morphometric approach to quantify suture closure, providing data on the specific periods and patterns associated with the closure of these structures. This quantitative assessment enhances the understanding of craniofacial growth dynamics and could lead to the development of clinically relevant patient-specific models.
  •           Geometric Patterns of Closure: Not only was the time of closure predicted, but also the geometric pattern of closure. This detailed analysis could facilitate early detection of deviations from normal growth patterns, potentially aiding in early intervention and treatment.
  •           Integration Analyses: The integration analyses revealed intricate relationships between skull and neck structures, emphasizing coordinated growth at different stages. This coordination is crucial for understanding normal and abnormal growth dynamics in the craniocervical junction.


Eine Collage aus anatomischen Drahtgittermodellen menschlicher Becken- und Kreuzbeinknochen in verschiedenen Ansichten und Ausrichtungen, die unterschiedliche Winkel oder Stadien des Modellierungsprozesses zeigen. Die Abschnitte sind numerisch (1 bis 8) und alphabetisch (a, b, c, d) beschriftet. Die Darstellung deutet subtil auf Wachstumsdynamiken bei strukturellen Übergängen hin.


These results collectively provide a comprehensive understanding of the growth dynamics of the craniocervical junction, which is essential for developing effective treatment plans and early intervention strategies.

The findings offer valuable insights into the growth dynamics of the CCJ, emphasizing the importance of coordinated growth between skull and neck structures.

The study’s morphometric approach can aid in developing patient-specific models for clinical applications.

Understanding the normal growth patterns of the CCJ can help osteopaths in diagnosing and treating abnormalities in craniofacial and cervical spine development.

Conclusions on treatment, see also: Foundations of Morphodynamics in Osteopathy:


Das Bild zeigt das Cover eines Buches mit dem Titel „Grundlagen der Morphodynamik in der Osteopathie: Ein integrativer Ansatz für Schädel, Nervensystem und Emotionen“. Als Herausgeber werden Torsten Liem und Patrick van den Heede genannt, es enthält Vorworte von John Glover und Jean-Pierre Barral und zeigt einen blauen Hintergrund mit kreisförmigen Mustern, die auf Wachstumsdynamiken hinweisen.










Raoul-Duval, J., Ganet, A., Benichi, S., Baixe, P., Cornillon, C., Eschapasse, L., Geoffroy, M., Paternoster, G., James, S., Laporte, S., Blauwblomme, T., Khonsari, R. H., & Taverne, M. (2024). Geometric growth of the normal human craniocervical junction from 0 to 18 years old. Journal of anatomy, 10.1111/joa.14067. Advance online publication.